The NRA Silhouette Committee met at NRA Headquarters on October 28-29, 2006. Your e-mail of May 15, 2006 was discussed.
The following changes were made pertaining to Hunter’s Pistol:
The wording in Pistol Rule 3.1 NOTE: “*Lining of barrels” will be deleted.
The heading and wording of Pistol Rule 3.1.1 has been changed to read as follows:
3.1.1 Hunter’s Pistol Metallic Sights - A pistol conforming to Rule 3.1. Optical, electronic and Olympic style sights are not
permitted. Remove the word “OPEN” in Pistol Rule 3.2.1 and replace it with the word METALLIC. Add to Pistol Rule 3.1 (b)
after the third sentence ending with “altered,” insert a new sentence to read: “Front sights must be a post or bead, may be hooded
or if interchangeable may use post inserts only.” I thank you for your interest in helping improve the sport of Silhouette shooting.
Gregory Connor
Secretary, Silhouette Department
Rule changes effective 2006
1 Hunter’s Pistol - (f) Re-barreling with any standard barrel appropriate to the model. (h) Delete note “Replacement of barrels other than the original manufactures and intended for the model.” 3.3.2 Conventional Pistol - (e) Re-barreling with any standard barrel appropriate to the model. 9.30.2 Method for Disqualification: In cases of infringement and contravention of NRA Rules, the Match program, or instructions of the Match Director or Range Officials, the following penalties will be imposed upon the competitor by the Match Director or the Jury in the following order: 1) Warning 2) Disqualification (a) A warning must be given so that the competitor may have the opportunity to correct the fault. In case of a serious violation of safety regulations, the Match Director or Jury has the authority to impose immediate disqualification. (b) A warning to the competitor must be expressed in such terms as will leave no doubt that it is an official warning. Whenever possible, a warning to the competitor should be given so as not to disturb firing a shot, unless the infringement concerns safety, in which case the competitor shall be warned immediately. (c) For a repeated infringement, the competitor will be disqualified. ________________________________________________ Rule changes effective 2005 3.6.1 Air Pistol Open Sights - An air pistol conforming to Rule 3.6 except only open or hunting-style peep sights, including an adjustable aperture, are allowed. Optical, electronic, target and Olympic style sights are not permitted. 3.21 Empty Chamber Indicator - An ECI is required in all NRA Silhouette competition to indicate that the action is open and the chamber is empty. The indicator must keep the action open, be inserted into the chamber, and have a yellow or orange flag extending from the firearms receiver. 9.7 Continue to Fire - Competitors in National Championships who fire a perfect score in an individual stage (hits on all 10 targets at any one range in a 40-shot match, hits on all 15 targets at any one range in a 60-shot match or hitson all 20 targets at any one range in a 80-shot match) will be permitted to continue to fire five-shot strings until missing to provide a means of establishing National Long Run Records at the conclusion of that day’s match. In cases where at least 30 minutes have passed since the completion of the 10, 15, or 20 shot string, the competitor will be authorized one sighter shot which may be taken and will not count toward the Long Run Record attempt. At all other Approved and Registered tournaments, the Match Director will announce in advance when such Long Run attempts will be made. 13.1 Physically Disabled Shooters - (e) National Records and Grand Slams may not be established by use of scores fired in special positions or with special equipment as may be authorized according to this rule.